Image UploaderAnonymous, January 8, 2020; 10:40Tags2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, amadeo_bordiga, anarchism, black_hair, bordigism, bourgeoisie, bunker, capitalism, catgirl, catgirl_drawfriend, character:alunya, checkers, china, cybernetics, deng_xiaoping, dengism, egoism, glasses, hat, left_communism, max_stirner, oldfag, paul_cockshott, porky, red_eyes, richard_wolff, site:/leftypol/, top_hat, xi_jinping2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 amadeo_bordiga anarchism black_hair bordigism bourgeoisie bunker capitalism catgirl catgirl_drawfriend character:alunya checkers china cybernetics deng_xiaoping dengism egoism glasses hat left_communism max_stirner oldfag paul_cockshott porky red_eyes richard_wolff site:/leftypol/ top_hat xi_jinpingSource CommentsAnonymous 2021-09-12 15:30:51 No.1373 [Reply]>using fucking long-outdated 4chan/reddit/twitter/etc. slang>too thin-skinned and feels the need to (lazily) rewrite itReally makes one think, yeah? Like poetry, every time. Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
>using fucking long-outdated 4chan/reddit/twitter/etc. slang
>too thin-skinned and feels the need to (lazily) rewrite it
Really makes one think, yeah? Like poetry, every time.