Image UploaderAnonymous, November 1, 2020; 06:15Tagscapitalism, meta:infographic, meta:screencap, opinion, poll, russia, russian_federation, soviet_union, survey, wojakcapitalism meta:infographic meta:screencap opinion poll russia russian_federation soviet_union survey wojakSourceUnknownLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2020-11-01 12:46:28 No.874 [Reply]If you show them this there's a good chance you'll get "They're brainwashed/They only want to go back to their childhood/Old people just want pensions/etc."Anonymous 2020-11-02 23:36:01 No.876 [Reply]True, but you can just state that it makes their argument that "people living under socialism h8 it" a failure. Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
If you show them this there's a good chance you'll get "They're brainwashed/They only want to go back to their childhood/Old people just want pensions/etc."
True, but you can just state that it makes their argument that "people living under socialism h8 it" a failure.