Image UploaderAnonymous, December 28, 2020; 09:09Tags1:1_aspect_ratio, africa, amilcar_cabral, family, future, glasses, guinea_bissau, gun, ideology, kalashnikov, quote, revolution, rifle, weapon1:1_aspect_ratio africa amilcar_cabral family future glasses guinea_bissau gun ideology kalashnikov quote revolution rifle weaponSourceUnknownLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsReluctant_Uploader69 2020-12-28 22:17:14 No.1010 [Reply]An incredibly based and grounded understanding. This is why I dislike ideologues with absolutist takes about people in movements and how if someone isn't fighting for a lofty ideal, they're not a comrade, as if workers give a fuck about idealisms. Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
An incredibly based and grounded understanding. This is why I dislike ideologues with absolutist takes about people in movements and how if someone isn't fighting for a lofty ideal, they're not a comrade, as if workers give a fuck about idealisms.