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Tagsbunkerchan_split, d011ars, meta:screencap, meta:wide_image, moderation, nuclear, posadism, purge, site:/leftypol/, site:bunkerchan,, space_(bunkerchan), split


Anonymous 2021-01-09 22:06:33 No.1047 [Reply]

t.retard who decides to ruin the site for everyone because 90% of people don't care about their mod drama and don't want to move to their fed site.

Zorbobs 2021-01-10 00:05:27 No.1048 [Reply]

anyone who disagrees with Space is a fed

Anonymous 2021-01-10 21:07:46 No.1049 [Reply]

Space_ literally does nothing and asked for a simple ID confirmation, which makes sense given that "trust me bro, I'm totally legit" is not acceptable, but no deleting everything because you don't want to leave shit alone is totally legit.

Watermelon is a dog in the manger and so is anyone who sides with them. You can make your own site if you want, but don't go wrecking others' because you're assmad.

Anonymous 2021-01-12 17:04:44 No.1055 [Reply]

"simple ID confirmation"
which was never part of any merger agreements, for obvious reasons. that's inacceptable and unneccessary, any excuses for why he "needs" it is made up bullshit and only someone from his clique would peddle this nonsense.

Anonymous 2021-01-14 21:10:28 No.1065 [Reply]

Bla bla bla, point is that's no reason to nuke someone elses site and ruin everything for everyone.
>inb4 leftypol mirrored content
It's mirrored for December 24, which means that about 1/2 a month of posts are fucking gone. Being a faggot because of petty inter-administrative squabbles that have no impact on most users deserves the rope unironically.

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