Soviet zone of occupation: -Declaration of a national democratic republic -Nationalization of industry -Deportation of Japanese landlords and capitalists to Japan -Establishment of the 8-hour working day -Establishment of free healthcare and education
American zone of occupation: -Politics don't differ at all from Japanese occupation -Part of the factories now belong to American capitalists, the remainder - all Japanese as before -Terror on Jeju Island, shootings of peaceful demonstrators and strikes -At least they weren't communists…
End of the 40s in the Korean Peninsula
Soviet zone of occupation:
-Declaration of a national democratic republic
-Nationalization of industry
-Deportation of Japanese landlords and capitalists to Japan
-Establishment of the 8-hour working day
-Establishment of free healthcare and education
American zone of occupation:
-Politics don't differ at all from Japanese occupation
-Part of the factories now belong to American capitalists, the remainder - all Japanese as before
-Terror on Jeju Island, shootings of peaceful demonstrators and strikes
-At least they weren't communists…