Image UploaderAnonymous, January 18, 2021; 19:49Tagsbunkerchan_split, cringe, incel, meta:screencap, moderation, site:/leftypol/, site:bunkerchan, splitbunkerchan_split cringe incel meta:screencap moderation site:/leftypol/ site:bunkerchan splitSourcebunkerchanLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2021-04-25 16:50:24 No.1199 [Reply]>men don't cheatAs a man I call bullshit.Anonymous 2021-04-25 17:27:51 No.1200 [Reply]If you look in the moderation logs for bunkerchan you can see that this retard is still a mod Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
>men don't cheat
As a man I call bullshit.
If you look in the moderation logs for bunkerchan you can see that this retard is still a mod