leftybooru - #16088: 1:1_aspect_ratio 2017 2021 bunkerchan_split chad comparison crying glasses nuclear posadism site:/leftpol/ site:/leftypol/ site:bunkerchan site:leftypol.org soyjak split then_and_now wojak yes_chad


main image
Tags1:1_aspect_ratio, 2017, 2021, bunkerchan_split, chad, comparison, crying, glasses, nuclear, posadism, site:/leftpol/, site:/leftypol/, site:bunkerchan, site:leftypol.org, soyjak, split, then_and_now, wojak, yes_chad


Reluctant_Uploader69 2021-01-19 15:56:48 No.1074 [Reply]

That's such a retarded statement.

In 2017 we had a massive, active board that was large enough to support having bullshit threads be posted and other threads die.

The death of 8ch meant that a a large number of users left and bunkerchan had reduced posting, meaning that threads became extensive and long.

Moreover slower boards of the site supported slow-burning discussion with plenty of images.

An entire month's worth was permanently removed because of the actions of some faggot because leftypol.org is a boring pointless mirror made because mods are infighting retards and nobody wants to move AGAIN.

Anonymous 2021-01-22 08:11:00 No.1088 [Reply]

i don't give a fuck what morons before me did

i do what i like
fuck u

Anonymous 2021-04-24 17:46:40 No.1195 [Reply]

I accidentally downvoted this picture. Meant to upvote. Cheers

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