leftybooru - #16134: bourgeoisie capitalism conspiracy cringe meta:screencap pedophilia qanon site:/leftypol/


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Tagsbourgeoisie, capitalism, conspiracy, cringe, meta:screencap, pedophilia, qanon, site:/leftypol/


Reluctant_Uploader69 2021-01-21 02:52:08 No.1085 [Reply]

This post is borderline pedo apologism, and reeks of liberalism. It's such an awful post (complete with shitty Trump soyjack) that I have to wonder if this is a /pol/ falseflag or a reddit raid-post.
1) The fact that many politicians and other big figures like actors are pedophiles is confirmed and obvious, even by witnesses being silenced.
2) Democrats and liberal virtue-signalers or succdems are not leftist and defending them is moronic.
3) This has nothing to do with pedos and is just a bunch of absolutist claims about the right wing and left wing, as if the right wing and its members are not people but programmed game bots and that there is only 1 or the other extreme and no centre. As if to be leftist you must conform to all "leftist" dogmas.

>purity and disgust
1) Research says? What research?
2) People associate gays with pedos because there is a long history of liberals supporting known pedos as gay rights leaders, such as Harvey Milk who was well known for this.
Moreover the fact that bourg science has intentionally pandered to such movements to normalize gender-sexuality rubbish.
>muh slippery slope
Argumentative fallacy is used by anyone for any reason and is not endemic to the right wing. It is a typical tendency of imageboards because they're casual shitposting forums that developed into something slightly more.
>Muh religion and demon imagery
It's nothing to do with actual religious belief but a label for evil, with the label being part of a LONG cultural history of abrahamic imagery in the Western Hemisphere. Moreover satanic imagery in mainstream (such as the London Olympics) and retarded liberals engaging in edgy 'satanism' for petty contrarianism as well as politicians engaging in shit like the Bohemian Grove. Who cares what they call the Democrats? This assumes that democrats are left-wing.

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