leftybooru - #16451: capitalism identity_politics interracial japan marketing meta:screencap meta:wide_image site:/leftypol/ united_states


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Tagscapitalism, identity_politics, interracial, japan, marketing, meta:screencap, meta:wide_image, site:/leftypol/, united_states


Reluctant_Uploader69 2021-02-27 23:18:03 No.1148 [Reply]

The first 2 points of this post are on-point - BMWF advertising is largely inoffensive unless specific political emphasis is used, which is the same as a company 'supporting gays'. They don't care about a gay agenda but if it brings them attention and money they'll support it - the post gets stupid as it analyzes culture... because it's analysis is derisive and dismissive.

>"Crosses look cool (NGE)"
Yeah nah, this has been discussed and debunked at length before, to diminish that (and compare it to 10,000 year lolishit) is a reductive argument. Waifuism is cancer but it's a result of capitalist alienation creating ghoulish obsession with certain parts of culture.

>Blacks are pioneers of Arts
<implying that only they are
Race essentialism on the level of /pol/. Since at least the 80s all culture in America has been carefully groomed by the rich, including Blacks being on the forefront of 'culture' for a variety of purposes.
1) Idpol liberalism and the calculated use of its provocative shallow nature to create a populist divide in the populations by asserting there can only be 2 extremes and no common middle ground between people.
2) The CIA and government actively suppressing support for certain kinds of culture and promoting radical "new stuff" to (in their own words) promote degeneracy among the youth. Gangsta Rap and Modern Art are good examples of this.

>White America has no culture
Retarded take on a number of levels.
1) Pop culture crap and other shit (such as marketing to blacks) is real but this is such a fucking shitty argument as to be nonexistant. Rock and roll are primarily dominated by whites and has always been so as has Metal and Classical music. This being co-opted by capitalism into mediocrity is a problem of the system, not "whites" being uncultured.
2) There is no "White America" because America is not a homogenous single-celled organism, it is made up of over 330 million people from different regions and backgrounds and this is reflected in everything from dialect to food and is independent of race. African-Americans in the North East are very different to the South-East for example. Moreover America is a melting pot - Italian, Greek, Irish, English, Spanish and other 'White' countries with distinct culture make up aspects of America. Is this commodified? Yes because that's what unregulated Capitalism does in a monolithic hegemony like that.
3) Whites are a larger demographic so getting some random whites for ads is a lot easier. And inb4 race-wage-gap that is an outdated and inaccurate liberal idea that ignored context to exaggerate the gap for racial sensationalism ignoring how insignificant it is compared to the massive gap of class-based discrimination.

A bit of a strawman but I assume the post being replied to was pulling a /pol/ fallacy about Ancient Civilization. In the USA, people definitely have no interest in such statues outside of aesthetic, a result of the cheap consumerism we have here. In Europe it's significantly different.

>Israel has no culture
Israel's culture is Jewish culture Zionist politicking aside, there is a massive amount of it - primarily based on Jewish ethnic culture (music, religion, food etc.) Palestinian culture is also part of it, as they are not as different as people think, but not quite the same anymore.

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