leftybooru - #17267: cartoon glasses mikhail_gorbachev revisionism ruins_everything simpsons soviet_union traitor


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Tagscartoon, glasses, mikhail_gorbachev, revisionism, ruins_everything, simpsons, soviet_union, traitor


Anonymous 2023-08-06 16:26:54 No.2004 [Reply]

Imagine not blaming the decades of stagnation that doomed the soviet union and instead pinning the blame onto the guy who came into power at the last moment and desperately tried to save the Union from a complete collapse.

Anonymous 2023-08-29 00:32:49 No.2014 [Reply]

>desperately tried to save
Yeah no, Gorbachev was a wrecker and there are numerous accounts of his actions intentionally causing deficits and issues. Moreover this is noticeable in the economic growth and production in the USSR before and after Gorbachev came to power. This has been posted on leftypol many, many times. As for the "decades of stagnation", this is outright untrue and a meme. The USSR had a rate of growth in the 1980s that was higher than the USA and prior to Gorbachev's wrecker policies - which deregulated the economy and let all sorts of reactionaries be able to openly shill their ideologies to the people - was steadily increasing HDI of the USSR to being among the top 15 countries in the world.

So long story short, go lie somewhere else, liberast.

Anonymous 2023-11-11 23:09:07 No.2061 [Reply]

>desperately tried to save the Union from a complete collapse
You mean Yazov? Fuck Khrushchev the hohol lover and fuck Gorbachev.

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