Image UploaderAnonymous, May 12, 2021; 00:09Tagscult, eceleb, haz, infrared, soyjak, twitch, wojakcult eceleb haz infrared soyjak twitch wojakSourceOCLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2023-12-01 04:34:31 No.2136 [Reply]fucking died. He makes fun of other youtubers for being soyboys but he doesn't even know how many holes a woman has despite LARPing as a chad.Anonymous 2023-12-01 19:37:16 No.2182 [Reply]>t. vaush watcherAnonymous 2023-12-02 06:55:39 No.2283 [Reply]Sorry, pretending to be a chad yet not even knowing the basics of female anatomy is meme material. There is no shame in being a virginThere IS shame in making fun of virgins while being one, while also LARPing as if you were a Chad for clout to push socially autistic social views. Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
fucking died. He makes fun of other youtubers for being soyboys but he doesn't even know how many holes a woman has despite LARPing as a chad.
>t. vaush watcher
Sorry, pretending to be a chad yet not even knowing the basics of female anatomy is meme material.
There is no shame in being a virgin
There IS shame in making fun of virgins while being one, while also LARPing as if you were a Chad for clout to push socially autistic social views.