
main image
Tagsart, artist:wuheqilin, china, cotton, kkk, meta:painting, police, racism, united_states


Anonymous 2021-08-23 15:30:25 No.1349 [Reply]

I don't get it

Anonymous 2021-08-23 22:12:15 No.1350 [Reply]

The Scarecrow is also called a Strawman (alluding to the Strawman fallacy). /
The 'reporters' in KKK costume are muh Hwite Media presenting a female strawman (propped up by a police KKK) about their rape. The background of "Cotton-picking Negros" alludes to it being a black rape being discussed.

It's a typically muddled caricature. It likely is addressing claims of rape by White women from Black men as strawmen backed by "racist" police and media, conflating it with KKK ideas of "rapist niggers" a la Birth of a Nation. It also seems to be conflating that "unfair treatment" of (presumably white) women is a fallacy, essentially implying a dick measuring contest of "who is oppressed more" in idpol terms.

Of course that's just what I can extrapolate from the blatant imagery of this lazy collage. I could be wrong, but it seems fairly obvious.

Anonymous 2021-08-26 23:42:32 No.1354 [Reply]

thanks that helps :)

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