Question posed is basically: "which system in Hungary do you think was best?". On the left is each party. MSZP = socdems who historically evolved from a communist party. DK = social liberals. Jobbik = fascist/national-conservatives (now more mainstream conservative, they say). LMP = green libs. ismeretlen = no party (I think). Fidesz = boomer conservatives (now more national-conservative). Momentum = centrists. On the bottom is each era. Red = 1956–1989 (goulash communism). Purple = 1990-2010 socdems era, got BTFO because of the financial crisis. orange = 2010 onward Fidesz rule. light grey = don't know. dark grey = refuse to answer.
Question posed is basically: "which system in Hungary do you think was best?".
On the left is each party.
MSZP = socdems who historically evolved from a communist party. DK = social liberals. Jobbik = fascist/national-conservatives (now more mainstream conservative, they say). LMP = green libs. ismeretlen = no party (I think). Fidesz = boomer conservatives (now more national-conservative). Momentum = centrists.
On the bottom is each era.
Red = 1956–1989 (goulash communism). Purple = 1990-2010 socdems era, got BTFO because of the financial crisis. orange = 2010 onward Fidesz rule. light grey = don't know. dark grey = refuse to answer.