Image UploaderGeneralSecretaryJunks, January 3, 2022; 10:48Tagsche_guevara, hammer_and_sickle, india, karl_marx, kerala, meta:photo, quote, vladimir_leninche_guevara hammer_and_sickle india karl_marx kerala meta:photo quote vladimir_leninSourceUnknownLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2022-01-03 14:10:44 No.1573 [Reply]The one who was responsible for building this gets to open a Patreon account. He surely deserves credit. That shack looks based as fuck, like what you'd imagine while strolling through a Phuket or Bali road.Anonymous 2022-01-03 14:38:52 No.1574 [Reply]The quote is misattributed. It's belongs to another other badass Emiliano Zapata: Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
The one who was responsible for building this gets to open a Patreon account. He surely deserves credit. That shack looks based as fuck, like what you'd imagine while strolling through a Phuket or Bali road.
The quote is misattributed. It's belongs to another other badass Emiliano Zapata: