leftybooru - #20057: anglo austria belgium czechoslovakia denmark fascism france germany greece luxembourg nazi nazi_germany netherlands neutrality nordic norway picardia poland soviet_union united_kingdom war when world_war_ii yugoslavia


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Tagsanglo, austria, belgium, czechoslovakia, denmark, fascism, france, germany, greece, luxembourg, nazi, nazi_germany, netherlands, neutrality, nordic, norway, picardia, poland, soviet_union, united_kingdom, war, when, world_war_ii, yugoslavia


Anonymous 2022-02-17 14:39:36 No.1646 [Reply]

>Poland had to take on both the Nazis and USSR
Revisionist lies. The USSR never invaded Poland, as Poland ceased to exist before Soviet troops moved into Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

Anonymous 2022-02-22 09:21:53 No.1647 [Reply]

Soviets invaded together with germany and went up to warsaw though, dummy.

Anonymous 2023-11-11 10:25:58 No.2055 [Reply]

Eastern Poland was liberated from capitalism, and its liberation likely saved many poles from the Nazi invasion later

Anonymous 2023-11-11 23:04:00 No.2058 [Reply]

>"Kicks your fucking ass"
Angloids didn't do jack fucking shit against the Germans (unless you count their elite financing and profiting off of the German economy for the years leading up to and even during the war). Piss off back to r/DerScheisser and keep your Angloid worship out of the imageboard.

Anonymous 2023-12-04 18:15:07 No.2325 [Reply]

i hate angloid worshippers who think britain and america single handedly defeated germany (they didn’t do jack shit but jerk off on their soggy shithole of an island and then naval invade when it was clear germany was going to lose)

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