Image UploaderAnonymous, January 5, 2023; 17:18Tagsflag, hammer_and_sickle, hezbollah, lebanese_communist_party, lebanonflag hammer_and_sickle hezbollah lebanese_communist_party lebanonSourceUnknownLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2023-01-05 19:43:21 No.1850 [Reply]You don't need to put a coma after every tag (after ANY tag, actually). Simply spacing them out from one another is enough.Anonymous 2023-01-05 20:06:40 No.1851 [Reply]Ok now I know that next timeThanks Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
You don't need to put a coma after every tag (after ANY tag, actually). Simply spacing them out from one another is enough.
Ok now I know that next time