This is why leftypol is a joke now, eight years ago people would make fun of people like you as irrational edgy losers such as with the "nazbol" people and nowadays wagner-maoism is unironically mainstream.
What happened to leftypol?
Way to have learned absolutely nothing from the degradation of regular /pol/ that leftypol was founded in rebelling against to now dedicating yourselves to live within its shadow
What brainlet made this?
>Hamas, Wagner and Iran bad because... They just are, okay?
What brainlet typed this comment?
This is why leftypol is a joke now, eight years ago people would make fun of people like you as irrational edgy losers such as with the "nazbol" people and nowadays wagner-maoism is unironically mainstream.
What happened to leftypol?
Way to have learned absolutely nothing from the degradation of regular /pol/ that leftypol was founded in rebelling against to now dedicating yourselves to live within its shadow
Literally the "NAZBOL GANG" meme was created BY leftypol to mock everything people like you stood for.
And now leftypol unironically posts memes like this to much praise
You guy's aren't supposed to overanalyze a stupid meme like that, lmfao.