leftybooru - #21631: anime female karl_marx marxism phone pokemon quote religion


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Tagsanime, female, karl_marx, marxism, phone, pokemon, quote, religion


Anonymous 2023-04-13 02:27:26 No.1935 [Reply]

and then there is the full quote to stomp retards who post this quote mining meme of coping christcom retards:
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.

now shut your stupid ass up

Anonymous 2023-04-15 02:54:53 No.1939 [Reply]

>S-shut up, people can't enjoy spiritual things!
Nah fag.

Also it's funny that this shite only comes from people seething about christians, jews, muslims, buddhists, hindus etc. are apparently ignored.

Anonymous 2023-04-15 15:07:42 No.1940 [Reply]

>making up your own conversation
it's like a prayer to you to escape that you're a retarded quoteminer, dumbass bitch
>it's only christians being persecuted bubububu
cry more faggot, all of you are stupid cunts

Anonymous 2023-04-15 15:11:08 No.1941 [Reply]

you can be "spiritual" as much as you want you fucking schizo,

but you're not a marxist, so shut the fuck up bitch, marx is talking about abolishing your stupid ass, cope and seeth

Anonymous 2023-04-20 03:51:11 No.1943 [Reply]

>2 seething responses along the lines of "hurr uh Marx"
>Buzzwords like "you're a retarded quoteminer"
Like you ignoramuses read anything but excerpts of Marx's, lmao. Your projected ineptitude & boiling Ad Hominum is good proof of your ignorant hate-boners.

Go with god, my fellows ;)

Anonymous 2023-04-20 17:45:19 No.1944 [Reply]

actually providing the proper context:
"hurr uh Marx"
so much for christfags marxism, you pathetic little shitstain nazbol

Anonymous 2023-08-29 00:42:12 No.2015 [Reply]

N-nazbol, Christfag, projection, ad hominum cherrypicked quote, ad hominum,
Is being a mentally ill salty bitch and quotemining all you're good at?
>proper context
LMAO, so another excerpt that still misses the point of what Marx was saying?

Any anon seething this hard over a meme and then being even more assmad at being called out, needs to go outside and touch grass and talk to actual, real working class people outside of burgerstan.

Anonymous 2023-09-13 12:40:23 No.2026 [Reply]

i used to be one of those retards who uses religion to somehow discredit the entire leftist movement, i remembered making an sort of video (or edit) for a discord server literally including quotes like these, as you can expect it is filled with logical fallacies and shitty arguments, thankfully i have grown out of being a such coping moron and learned and read books and articles

Anonymous 2023-12-04 18:11:23 No.2323 [Reply]

trotskyites successfully try to explain why religion is le bad challenge (impossible)

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