leftybooru - #21809: 1942 alternate_history fanfiction map reds!_a_revolutionary_timeline soviet_union uasr united_states war world_map world_war_ii


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Tags1942, alternate_history, fanfiction, map, reds!_a_revolutionary_timeline, soviet_union, uasr, united_states, war, world_map, world_war_ii


Anonymous 2023-12-02 01:15:57 No.2199 [Reply]

>US and Canada still exist
>No Landback
>No Decolonization

Anonymous 2023-12-02 05:13:40 No.2243 [Reply]

>m-muh landback, muh decolonisation, muh ytpipo bad…
fuck off third worldist shill, how does it feel that no successful communist movements have ever pandered to your disgusting misappropriation of mao’s writings?

Anonymous 2023-12-02 05:16:37 No.2246 [Reply]

>Myh landback, muh decolonisation
>Ignores the fact that much of the western part of the Soviet Union is occupied by Nazi fucking Germany, and much of China is occupied by the Japanese Empire
When will landback-supporting natives learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them?

Anonymous 2023-12-02 05:41:44 No.2265 [Reply]

>When will landback-supporting natives learn that the world doesn’t revolve around them?
kek, many such cases
i cannot tell you how many times i’ve tried to explain my ideology to my friends and then they assume i support deporting all white people back to europe just because some landback landwhale on twitter said that’s what marxism was about

Anonymous 2023-12-02 06:16:44 No.2271 [Reply]

I hate being rude, but genuinely this needs to be said... You are a colorblind leftist. If your not fighting for the self-determination for indigenous people, and actively see their struggle as a threat to your own, then why would they fight for you?

Indigenous revolutionary groups such as the EZLN or the Morelos Commune has showed that indigenous people are one of the few groups most likely to take up arms, and even in nations that have been completely lib'd like Canada, we see the few people willing to take a stand are Indians who are willing to pick up a gun for their rights.

The Oka Crisis has done far more for revolutionary politics than all of white leftist in all of Canadian history, yet first-world leftists don't genuinely give a single shit about them and would rather pander to radlibs on twitter and tiktok with their increasingly insane social views, or instead continue to hide in their equally out of touch threads with a total population of 25 white autistic guys.

Anonymous 2023-12-02 06:26:26 No.2276 [Reply]

I don't mean to come off as an asshole here but indigenous people are far more deserving of revolution than any Merifat.

Do you think I should give half a shit about people who are utterly ignorant of their own nations' colonialism rather than those who suffer some of the worst living standads as a direct consequence of their ignorance?

Yeah right...

Anonymous 2023-12-02 08:20:42 No.2285 [Reply]

>I don't mean to come off as an asshole here but indigenous people are far more deserving of revolution than any Merifat.
>Do you think I should give half a shit about people who are utterly ignorant of their own nations' colonialism rather than those who suffer some of the worst living standads as a direct consequence of their ignorance?
>Yeah right...
Yeah, here comes the Amerifat with their white saviour complex, thinking they have the right to lecture others on “who has revolutionary potential”.
I’m sorry, but your wholesum pre-colonial natives weren’t singing kumbayah in a circle and never waged wars of conquest against each others.
I honestly don’t care what you think of Amerifats, honestly I hope that Russia and China nuke North America back to the stone age. But to pretend that any bunch of dumb abos blocking a pipeline and pretending to be Marxists when none of them have ever touched any of Marx’s writings is ridiculous. And that’s why you and your stupid conceptions of “landback” (which strangely always devolve into enacting apartheid or simply deporting those with European ancestry) will never come to any sort of fruition.

Anonymous 2023-12-02 10:40:06 No.2288 [Reply]

>Decolonization is anti-white apartheid

way to confirm you are not worthy of being taken at all seriously

I am not gonna bother because you aren't worth the attention

Anonymous 2023-12-02 10:45:31 No.2290 [Reply]

Also, to anon two, I was calling out the idea that a socialist America can even exist when it's entire existence was built on oppression.

It's like a democratic Nazi Germany

Anonymous 2023-12-02 10:48:36 No.2291 [Reply]

sorry* I meant anon three.

my bad for muh aute-sumz

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