Image Uploaderlivelystench, June 16, 2024; 11:46Tagsbook, breakfast, cereal, communist_manifesto, eating, gromit, lefty_flakes, meta:animated, meta:gif, meta:loop, porky, symbol, vaush, wallace_and_gromitbook breakfast cereal communist_manifesto eating gromit lefty_flakes meta:animated meta:gif meta:loop porky symbol vaush wallace_and_gromitSource Commentscomrade 2024-06-16 12:42:18 No.2486 [Reply]I'm don't know who made the GIF file in this post, but the original WebM is from here: Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
I'm don't know who made the GIF file in this post, but the original WebM is from here: