leftybooru - #23136: death film fred_hampton meta:video meta:webm quote revolution struggle united_states


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Tagsdeath, film, fred_hampton, meta:video, meta:webm, quote, revolution, struggle, united_states
The Murder of Fred Hampton (1971)


Anonymous 2024-06-23 08:24:58 No.2493 [Reply]

Even though this booru sucks immensely I am always glad to find nice quality videos and memes where there hardly is elsewhere. Did they just add videos because it's about damn time.

Anonymous 2024-11-25 21:57:40 No.2594 [Reply]

>Did they just add videos because it's about damn time.
Didn't see this earlier. Yes they were just added because the booru has moved off of booru.org which had garbage old software which didnt't allow videos.

>I am always glad to find nice quality videos and memes where there hardly is elsewhere.
That's what it's here for. o7

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