leftybooru - #275: facepalm impact_font joseph_stalin marxism_leninism reaction_image socialism_in_one_country soviet_union tankie vladimir_lenin


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Tagsfacepalm, impact_font, joseph_stalin, marxism_leninism, reaction_image, socialism_in_one_country, soviet_union, tankie, vladimir_lenin


Anonymous 2016-12-12 04:25:05 No.34 [Reply]

Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist country alone. After expropriating the capitalists and organising their own socialist production, the victorious proletariat of that country will arise against the rest of the world—the capitalist world—attracting to its cause the oppressed classes of other countries, stirring uprisings in those countries against the capitalists, and in case of need using even armed force against the exploiting classes and their states. The political form of a society wherein the proletariat is victorious in overthrowing the bourgeoisie will be a democratic republic, which will more and more concentrate the forces of the proletariat of a given nation or nations, in the struggle against states that have not yet gone over to socialism. The abolition of classes is impossible without a dictatorship of the oppressed class, of the proletariat. A free union of nations in socialism is impossible without a more or less prolonged and stubborn struggle of the socialist republics against the backward states.

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