Image UploaderAnonymous, January 15, 2018; 13:45Tags1:1_aspect_ratio, anarchism, consciousness, consumption, creativity, debunk, egoism, essence, glasses, guide, knowledge, marc_bloch, max_stirner, memory, meta:infographic, meta:sketch, nothing, portrait, power, rudolf_steiner, spooks1:1_aspect_ratio anarchism consciousness consumption creativity debunk egoism essence glasses guide knowledge marc_bloch max_stirner memory meta:infographic meta:sketch nothing portrait power rudolf_steiner spooksSourceAnonLockedNoParentNoneRatingSafeUnratedSafeQuestionableExplicit CommentsAnonymous 2018-01-15 16:49:32 No.126 [Reply]Actually, the literal translation of "Stell ich mich auf meine Sache" would be "if I set myself on my affair". This meme flips it around. ^_^ Captcha requires JavaScript. Click to load HCaptcha
Actually, the literal translation of "Stell ich mich auf meine Sache" would be "if I set myself on my affair". This meme flips it around. ^_^