leftybooru - #8584: capitalism comparison impact_font iphone mobile_phone phone russian_text sergei_korolev soviet_union steve_jobs translated united_states


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Tagscapitalism, comparison, impact_font, iphone, mobile_phone, phone, russian_text, sergei_korolev, soviet_union, steve_jobs, translated, united_states


Anonymous 2018-07-29 23:30:56 No.249 [Reply]

Steve Jobs; Telephone merchant... died of cancer

Sergei Korolev; talented inventor... had his broken teeth (from interrogation) fixed for free and compensated

Because in socialism medicine is free and actually helps

Anonymous 2018-08-02 04:32:50 No.252 [Reply]

This picture could be considered a thinly-veiled counter-propaganda, I suppose. Korolev is one of the favorite russian liberals' targets to point at when it comes to talking about the period during which Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union, because Korolev, being the talented scientist who he is, was "unreasonably" imprisoned and "had his jaw broken during an interrogation". Both are lies: he had had his jaw broken in 1929 during the testing of a glider near Koktebel, and the version about the jaw having been broken during an interrogation was pushed out by the russian journalist Yaroslav Golovanov, and he himself states that it was just a theory.
Korolev was sentenced to 10 years of labour camps after his bureau was found out to be expending far too many resources and having nearly zero output, plus the rocket testing accident, where some of the rockets on the firing range ended up being fired directly at a blindage with multiple people, including four generals, in it. Korolev was released 6 years later, and spent only two years working at a labour camp, four other years he spent working in one of the "special bureaus" where convicted scientists worked.

Anonymous 2020-08-31 05:41:45 No.588 [Reply]

Tubusshow produced a series of documentaries bout Kolyma among which is one discussing Korolev, which I highly recommend.

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