17778 190.1 Uh...The SiItuation of the Workers? Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17778 189.1 Plan for Privitization Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17778 188.1 And so,I present you plans for the Economic Development of our country in the near future... Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17772 187.1 All of the problems of modern Russia are specifically of you. Because of you we have bad education and healthcare. Because of you human living standards are falling, and the income of people doesn't rise! Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17772 186.1 DeCommunisation Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17772 185.1 When we take you don, everyone will become rich and happy immediately Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17772 184.1 Are you fucked in the head? I'm a statue Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17752 183.1 The BCP closes ranks alongside the indigenous peoples Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17752 182.1 Partido Comunista Brasileiro (Brazilian Communist Party) Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17708 181.1 Vodka Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17708 180.1 Artist: E. FREIDMAN
Poems: M. VLADIMOVA Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17708 179.1 Much sorrow and evil Vodka brougt to the family Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17634 178.1 USSR will be able to restore itself only in 15-20 years after the war, and only with our help) Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17634 177.1 Socialist Magics Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17634 176.1 USSR and East Europe were restored over 4 years... Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17633 175.1 Red Army Magics Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17633 174.1 We have half a million former Imperial officers, roughly the same number of Interventionists... But Communists truly thing they an beat us? Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17633 173.1 By 1922 all White Guards were either in the grave or in Paris... Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17618 172.1 Map of Deaths in the Russian Empire (1892) and in the USSR (rural areas 1933) % Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34 17618 171.1 Russian Empire (1892)
USSR (1933) Anonymous January 1, 1970; 12:34