19420 290.1 Middle-class GeneralSecretaryJunks December 29, 2021; 14:59 18878 250.1 Do not ever work. GeneralSecretaryJunks December 24, 2021; 02:39 18681 250.1 A WOMAN IN THE POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC HAS EQUAL RIGHTS WITH A MALE IN ALL AREAS OF STATE, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE
JOKE 66 OF THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION OF THE POLISH PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Communistchad December 12, 2021; 17:57 18677 246.1 Hmm interestic, who create communism? ProletarianSkeleton December 12, 2021; 09:26 18675 245.1 Stalin vs Martians ProletarianSkeleton December 12, 2021; 08:52 18393 243.1 The bloody killing' tone
Started by no-one else by Washington
And thus for this beastly act
It must answer for
Reluctant_Uploader69 December 8, 2021; 14:51 18218 229.3 Group of conservative activists wants demolition of Lenin`s statue in Seatle. Judgement reject claim because ProletarianSkeleton October 27, 2021; 21:33 18218 229.2 Group of conservative activists wants demolition of Lenin`s statue in Seatle. But ProletarianSkeleton October 27, 2021; 21:33 18218 229.1 Group of conservative activists wants demolition of Lenin`s statue ProletarianSkeleton October 27, 2021; 19:32 18214 226.1 Haha, we are created in the image and likeness you, we are reflection of being in your system, we are you fears of yourself and such you. ProletarianSkeleton October 23, 2021; 19:03 18176 224.1 Lets build airship fleet with name of Lenin ProletarianSkeleton October 14, 2021; 18:13 18052 209.1 if you awake in USSR CorporateDestroyer October 6, 2021; 17:21 18112 212.1 WE WILL NOT FORGET, WE WILL NOT FORGIVE Reluctant_Uploader69 October 5, 2021; 02:28 16685 139.3 Our Doctors are Real Heroes! They work so hard even in times of pandemic. I have no words on how to thank you! Reluctant_Uploader69 August 5, 2021; 03:02 16685 139.2 Our Doctors are Real Heroes! They work so hard even in times of pandemic Reluctant_Uploader69 August 5, 2021; 03:02 16685 139.1 Our Doctors are Real Heroes! Reluctant_Uploader69 August 5, 2021; 01:01 17633 172.1 By 1922all White Guards were either in the grave or in Paris... Reluctant_Uploader69 June 16, 2021; 16:29 17285 159.3 About the achievements of agriculture in RSFSR In 1990 sowing area for all crops was 117,7 million hectare, then in 2019 area decreased to 79,9 million hectare. Reluctant_Uploader69 May 5, 2021; 00:38 17286 164.1 whatever have account in Twitter CorporateDestroyer May 4, 2021; 22:58 17285 160.1 About the achievements of agriculture in Russian Federation CorporateDestroyer May 4, 2021; 22:38