leftybooru - #8072: a_bugs_life bourgeoisie capitalism film means_of_production meta:screencap pixar proletariat realization revolution site:twitter tweet worker


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Tagsa_bugs_life, bourgeoisie, capitalism, film, means_of_production, meta:screencap, pixar, proletariat, realization, revolution, site:twitter, tweet, worker


Anonymous 2018-06-04 16:07:51 No.196 [Reply]

Actually, A Bug's Life is a Right-Wing narrative through and through. It glorifies monarchy, and it presents the oppressors as a different race that's invading from the outside. If you want a Left-Wing narrative, watch Antz.

Anonymous 2018-06-04 17:46:57 No.197 [Reply]

It doesn't glorify monarchy though, because there is none to really speak of. The Queen ant is basically the leader but she has few if any privileges and the princess is also. And at the end they reduce themselves into an international commune of sorts with minor government of what is essentially an elected monarch/dictator.

Antz does this more openly however because that's the main plot-line, while in A Bugs Life its more focused on aspect of the oppressive imperialist Hopper

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