leftybooru - #9786: blackmail cia glowie investigation meta:screencap operation_gladio pedophilia police


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Tagsblackmail, cia, glowie, investigation, meta:screencap, operation_gladio, pedophilia, police


Anonymous 2019-03-19 16:39:21 No.441 [Reply]

The US/NATO doctrine from the outset was "If you try and break through the Fulda Gap and take over Europe, we'll use nuclear weapons on you right away so don't try."

They didn't have the soft power to turn a NATO state into a Soviet ally by the time any of this Gladio stuff was going on. That ship sailed before WW2.

The story of Gladio was revealed by the Italian PM in 1992. It was in response to revelations that occured in 1990. NATO countries are run by shadow autocracies that control intelligence agencies that blackmail pedophiles in camerasnares and marshal them into politics and that's a known fact from the UK in Dolphin Square, Kincora, Jersey, etc and backs up The Finders CIA pedo ring investigation by D.C. Police in the US, the Dutroux affair and countless other corroborated accounts

MI5 factually, literally recessed cameras into kiddie-rape houses and put the footage in safety deposit boxes in highly secured banks and that's all on record.



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