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Tags4chan, adam_smith, albert_camus, allan_bloom, aristotle, arthur_schopenhauer, baruch_spinoza, bertrand_russell, carl_jung, dante, dante_alighieri, david_foster_wallace, david_hume, democritus, diogenes, existentialism, franz_kafka, friedrich_nietzsche, fyodor_dostoyevsky, georg_hegel, goethe, gottfried_leibniz, grug, henry_david_thoreau, heraclitus, hobbes, homer, immanuel_kant, isaac_newton, jacques_lacan, james_joyce, jean_paul_sartre, jesus_christ, jordan_peterson, jorge_luis_borges, karl_marx, kurt_vonnegut, leibniz, ludwig_wittgenstein, machiavelli, marcel_proust, marcus_aurelius, martin_heidegger, martin_luther, max_stirner, michel_foucault, nick_land, philip_k._dick, philosopher, philosophers, philosophy, plato, rene_descartes, shakespeare, sigmund_freud, site:/lit/, slavoj_zizek, socrates, søren_kierkegaard, ted_kaczynski, terence_mckenna, thales, thales_of_miletus, thomas_aquinas, thomas_hobbes, thomas_pynchon, varg_vikernes, voltaire, wittgenstein, wojak


Magos_Explorator 2022-07-19 21:00:54 No.1778 [Reply]

#1 Thales of Miletus
#2 Heraclitus
#3 Democritus
#4 Homer
#5 Socrates
#6 Plato
#7 Aristotle
#8 Diogenes
#9 Jesus
#10 Marcus Aurelius
#11 Thomas Aquinas
#12 Dante Alighieri
#13 Machiavelli (probably)
#14 Martin Luther
#15 Shakespeare
#16 Rene Descartes
#17 Thomas Hobbes
#18 Baruch Spinoza
#19 Gottfried Leibniz
#20 Isaac Newton
#21 David Hume
#22 Voltaire
#23 Immanuel Kant
#24 Georg Hegel
#25 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
#26 Arthur Schopenhauer
#27 Adam Smith
#28 Soren Kierkegaard
#29 Karl Marx
#30 Max Stirner
#31 Henry David Thoreau
#32 Friedrich Nietzsche
#33 Fyodor Dostoevsky
#34 N/A
#35 Bertrand Russell
#36 Ludwig Wittgenstein
#37 Sigmund Freud
#38 Carl Jung
#39 James Joyce
#40 Marcel Proust
#41 Martin Heidegger
#42 Jean Paul Sartre
#43 Albert Camus
#44 Jorge Luis Borges (probably)
#45 Franz Kafka
#46 Jacques Lacan
#47 Thomas Pynchon
#48 Kurt Vonnegut
#49 Philip K. Dick
#50 Terence McKenna
#51 Ted Kaczynski
#52 Michel Foucault
#53 Allan Bloom
#54 David Foster Wallace
#55 N/A
#56 Nick Land
#57 Slavoj Zizek
#58 Varg Vikernes
#59 Jordan Peterson

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