leftybooru - #8824: 1939 1942 bible joseph_stalin man_of_the_year misattributed_source otto_von_bismarck plato quote russian_text soviet_union time_(magazine) translated


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Tags1939, 1942, bible, joseph_stalin, man_of_the_year, misattributed_source, otto_von_bismarck, plato, quote, russian_text, soviet_union, time_(magazine), translated


Anonymous 2018-12-05 17:48:48 No.356 [Reply]

This son of a shoemaker and washerwoman - a real nugget. Within him are outstanding intellectual abilities. He quotes whole paragraphs from the Bible and the works of Bismarck, reads Plato in its original, himself writing his own speeches and articles. That is why his style simultaneously excels by its precision and sophistication.

Magazine *Time*
Man of the Year - 1939, 1942

Note: I tried finding the original English of this but haven't found anything, only a couple results in Russian, many of which are found on social media. Eventually I came upon this, which basically said that Time has an archive of all its writings since that time and this quote was not in their repository:
This quote apparently comes from a book by British historian Simon Montefiore then, not Time magazine.

Anonymous 2022-05-20 08:34:12 No.1723 [Reply]

Maybe it's a modified article on Hitler.

Anonymous 2022-05-20 08:36:38 No.1724 [Reply]

NVM, the anon above already explained it. Buh yeah, Hitler was Time's Man of the Year instead of Stalin. Really makes you think.

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