leftybooru - #9116: identity_politics liberalism mental_illness meta:screencap meta:wide_image psychiatry radlib science site:/leftypol/


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Tagsidentity_politics, liberalism, mental_illness, meta:screencap, meta:wide_image, psychiatry, radlib, science, site:/leftypol/


Anonymous 2018-12-11 06:49:28 No.363 [Reply]

Not entirely sure if this is a criticism of being complicit with one's mental illnesses instead of trying to compensate and improve (which is perfectly fine) or an outright denial that mental illnesses are a thing (which would be retarded).

That said, Foucault was a goddamn neoliberal.

Anonymous 2018-12-12 04:26:14 No.365 [Reply]

It's basically mocking how idpol the whole made-up gender fad that liberals have is, and how they use bullshit psychiatric crap to muddy the water about what is and isn't a mental illness.

Anonymous 2018-12-12 11:59:37 No.366 [Reply]

I guess I see what you mean, but can you give an example?

Anonymous 2018-12-13 06:33:20 No.367 [Reply]

An example of what? It's pretty obvious what is being stated here. For example trans-trenders such as Dennis Riley, who are purported leftists, use the trans moniker to demand bullshit privilege and create a meaningless identity while denying real issues of trans-sexuality, such as how it affects mental stability and therefore the health of those subjected to this. Instead the liberal left presents this slapped together bullshit about gender being non-binary and that is NORMAL to feel that way, even though it is a statistical anomaly in the population, which would suggest it shouldn't be normalized.

TL;DR They give minorities fake, sex-based identities to rally over while ignoring genuine issues of said minorities and accusing any leftist critique of said id-pol to be offending and therefore wrong, and that instead of treating the issues one just takes symptom-suppressors.

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