leftybooru - help:rules


To ensure a well organized booru imageboard for use by all comrades, the following rules and guidelines have been put into place.


All images such as artwork, infographics, memes, screencaps, etc. and comments are allowed provided that:
a) it is relevant to the scope of the booru and is not spam.
b) it is not an inferior duplicate of any kind.
c) it is not promoting reactionary politics.
Images and comments that do not fit these criteria should be reported with the appropriate reason.

No spam is allowed anywhere. Spam from a user account may be subject to a ban. Depending on the severity of the situation (raids, bot spam), certain booru functions may be temporarily restricted. At the moment of the most recent edit to this forum post, anonymous posters are allowed to make new posts and creation of new accounts is allowed.

Real life pornography and loli/lolicon/shota/shotacon (depictions of children in a lewd context) images are prohibited and will be deleted. Accounts posting such images may be warned or banned depending on severity.

Do not abuse the report function by reporting images and comments which do not violate the rules only because you disagree with them. Such reports will be dismissed. The same applies to downvotes. Instead, post a proper response comment to destroy them by using facts and logic.

Clarification: The rules of leftypol.org, GETchan, or any website other than booru.org do not necessarily apply to this booru. This booru is not owned, administrated, or otherwise maintained by any of the moderators or administrators of leftypol.org, GETchan, or any other imageboard (beyond hosting and software development from the staff of Nukechan)


Tagging Guidelines

Tags are required as without them images cannot be found. Remember to tag every image with at least 5 good tags while uploading. If it is an artwork, tag the artist name as well. Tag should be correct and to the point, make sure it is accurate to the subject matter.

If an image was uploaded without at least 5 tags and thus has a "tagme" tag, properly tag that image and remove the "tagme" tag.

Do not remove tags from images which are duplicates. Report such images and if they are found to be duplicates they will be removed. Absolutely no one is to remove every single tag from an image for any reason.

In every tag with a dash "-", use underscores "_" instead. This to prevent possible unwanted combinations of different tags in search results as everything after the dash "-" is interpreted by the search software as a different tag.

Sometimes, two tags can mean the same thing. So to allow consistent search results, aliases are implemented. If an alias for a certain tag is missing from the alias table, please enter a suggestion for it on that page.
Please note that alias suggestions with non-English Latin letters, any of the HTML reserved characters, or HTML special characters are always either non-functional or unable to be activated. So please limit the content of your alias suggestions to (preferably lowercase) standard alphanumeric characters and underscores "_".

If the image contains non-English text, please add a "translation_request" tag alongside a tag for the language (i.e "russian_text"). If you can actually translate that text, please consider adding a note (and for benefit of those not using Javascript, a comment) with the translation and replacing the "translation_request" tag with "translated".

The name(s) of people who are depicted in images should generally be tagged in the format of "firstname_lastname" (i.e. "karl_marx"). If a person depicted is a major figure of a particular political tendency, then tag that tendency as well (i.e. "maoism", "anarcho_communism", "fascism")

Images related to political leaders should have country tags (i.e. "soviet_union", "germany", "united_states"). In certain cases country tags should be added alongside regional tags (i.e. "west_asia", "latin_america"), and/or historical tags (i.e.: "russian_empire", "weimar_germany").

Screencap images should have tags for the website or board they are from (i.e. "site:/leftypol/" "site:/pol/" "site:twitter").

Unedited photographs should be tagged "meta:photo", and additionally "meta:monochrome" if they are not in color.

Since there is no feature in this booru software yet for automatic tag implications, please observe already tagged images for established trends and tag future images accordingly.

Character Tags

Images of fictional characters should have: general tags (i.e. "black_hair", "red_eyes",), artist tags with a artist namespace prefix (i.e. "artist:catgirl_drawfriend"), character tags (i.e. "character:alunya"), and series name tags (i.e. "political_ideology_catgirls").

Do not add bracket tag suffixes for series, unless there is a possibility of confusion with unrelated tags.

If some of the depicted characters don't belong to an existing series and are created by the artist, add the tag "original_character".

If you don't know the artist / character / series, please add tag(s) "artist_request" / "character_request" / "series_request".

Meta Tags

Images within these parameters should be tagged accordingly after they are uploaded:

"meta:lowres" : width AND height below 500px, and not in animated gif format
"meta:highres" : width above 1600px AND height above 1200px
"meta:absurdres" : width above 3200px AND height above 2400px
"meta:long_image" : height is more than 3x the width
"meta:very_long_image" : height is more than 9x the width
"meta:wide_image" : width is more than 3x the height
"meta:1:1_aspect_ratio" : width is equal to height



All posts on leftybooru should have one of three ratings: Safe, Questionable, and Explicit. Please take note: occasionally explicit images will be marked safe, and vice versa. You should not depend completely on rating filters unless you can tolerate the occasional wrongly-rated image. If this happens to you, fix it so that other users don't have that happen to them.

Any image where the vagina or penis are exposed and easily visible. This includes depictions of sex, masturbation, or any sort of penetration.

Safe posts are images that one would not feel guilty looking at openly in public. Pictures of nudes, exposed nipples or pubic hair, cameltoe, or any sort of sexually suggestive pose are NOT safe and belong in questionable. Swimsuits and lingerie are borderline cases; some are safe, some are questionable.

Basically anything that isn't safe or explicit. This is the great middle area, and since it includes unrated posts, you shouldn't really expect anything one way or the other when browsing questionable posts.
Due to issues with the old site, Questionable used to be the default setting and was applied to most images regardless of content. More details are in the FAQ. If you see a clear case of this, such as obviously Safe content marked as Questionable, fix it so that other users aren't affected.

You can filter search results by querying for rating:unrated, rating:safe, rating:questionable, or rating:explicit. You can also combine them with other tags and they work as expected.
If you want to remove a rating from your search results, use -rating:unrated, -rating:safe, -rating:questionable, and -rating:explicit.



>What is the difference between leftypics.booru.org, lefty.booru.org and lefty.pictures?

lefty.booru.org is the original booru used by leftist imageboards since 2015, however the original admin soon disappeared and the booru was abandoned without moderation for years. This lead to it being locked by the booru.org administration in early 2020. In this situation anonymous posting was blocked and the creation of new accounts was also blocked. Following this, a /leftypol/ mod created leftypics.booru.org which was used as a replacement for a few months.
This situation continued until August 2020, when an anonymous poster (who had previously made an account on lefty.booru.org) requested control of lefty.booru from the booru.org administration. This poster was given control of the booru through its admin account and reopened it for posting.
As the booru.org project became increasingly restrictive and abandoned by booru.org top-level sysadmins, the booru was migrated over to lefty.pictures in 2024, on servers managed by the Nukechan project. The underlying software changed from Gelbooru 0.1.11 to a Shimmie2 fork.
>How can I hide tags I don't want to see?

There is a tag filter feature for logged-in users which will automatically hide tags they have chosen in [url=stie://user_config]user options[/url], with an button to unhide specific tags temporarily while searching. Anonymous users will only have the default filters enabled.
For a single search, use negative tags to exclude results.
>Why are these SFW posts blurred?
>Why aren't these NSFW posts blurred?
>Why are many posts downvoted despite being popular?

When this booru was previously hosted on booru.org, there wasn't an option to hide NSFW content based on their content rating. The downvote function was used primarily as a way to spoiler NSFW images by putting them below a 0 score. This also resulted in the default Questionable rating going unnoticed on many safe images. While this was a known issue, booru.org also forced all edits to solve a captcha, so fixing incorrect ratings was delayed until the move to lefty.pictures.
>Why do the numbers of posts and the number on the front page not match?

The number on the front page is the number of active posts. The post number on posts themselves is higher than that because of deleted spam posts.
>Can you add x feature which is present in another booru?

Maybe. Please contact the staff.
>Why are you allowing this reactionary/spam post on the booru?!

Because there was no moderation for most of the booru's existence and it was not yet noticed. Since you have noticed it, use the report function.
>How do reports work?

Reporting an image or comment adds the content in question to a queue visible only to the admin and moderator(s) who view the content and determine if any rules have been broken.
>Why was my post deleted?!

Either it was a duplicate, it was spam, was irrelevant to the scope of the booru, or otherwise violated the rules.
If you feel that the decision of deletion needs to be reviewed, please contact the staff.
>What happened to all the loli/Rodina lewds?!

It was removed since booru.org TOS strictly does not allow it. You will have to find it elsewhere.
>Can I report an image so I can upload a better version of that image?

Yes, but the superior version of that image must be uploaded first.
>Why are some of the dates strange?

Danbooru software on booru.org did not save anonymous notes in its note history page, so these have been added in with the placeholder date 1970-01-01 12:34:56.
Additionally, the booru.org server clock has slowly drifted over the past years, losing around 24 minutes by the time of migration. The server was also apparently set to CET/CEST timezones instead of UTC, so all times have been converted back to UTC.
>Why is there a captcha?

The captcha is currently used as an anti-spam measure in certain situations.
>Which side in X board split controls the booru?
