leftybooru - Note Updates

Note Updates

20790336.1Salo to Heroes!!!11Anonymous
20790335.1My boys, whats you doing? If you be naughty-i fucking beat you!Anonymous
20790334.1Fascist!!1 Hitler-Hitler!!!!!! We fight for you and you even dont respect us Fasxist !!1 Fascist!!Anonymous
20790333.1Fucking commie its fuck youfuckung non-rusAnonymous
20790332.1ouch dont(((Anonymous
20790331.1No i!1Anonymous
20790330.1Im run firstAnonymous
20790329.1I surrender!Anonymous
20790328.1Faster goin to work, cowardly scum!!1Anonymous
20790327.1Chechnya whats with your flagAnonymous
20790326.1Ouch dont beat((((Anonymous
20790325.1Mmmm.... whats on you?Anonymous
20756324.1Keep cryingAnonymous
20741323.1So shall we!Anonymous
20741322.1We will yet return!Anonymous
20065320.1let it not be master on workersAnonymous
20065319.1For Ukrainian and Russians one watchword Anonymous
20033318.1But you hire meAnonymous
20033317.1This immigrant steal your workplace! You must organized aginst him for your nation!Anonymous
19960315.1Giant And spitted on dward of reactionAnonymous
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