Note Updates

1581979.1gulag fuckAnonymous
1581978.1"So I decided that all power is for the soviets"Anonymous
1581977.1"Hm… something needs to be done with these conflicts…"Anonymous
1581876.1"NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR HIM!"Anonymous
1581875.1"Oh no you warmongering bastard, we don't need your tricky plans"Anonymous
1581874.1"How about we unite the Germans? Take them into NATO, but be content with just taking the East Germans."Anonymous
1581873.1"How about we unite the Germans? We'll give them complete freedom but forbid them from joining military alliances."Anonymous
1581772.155 millionAnonymous
1581771.1Everything's clear to the author who spent 10 years in the campsAnonymous
1581770.1Solzhenitsyn: "That shocks the hell even out of me…"Anonymous
1581769.1Boris Nemstov: "The Soviet Union killed 150,000,000 people excluding war."Anonymous
1581666.1"Pick whichever, friend! We don't live in the Union after all."Anonymous
1581665.1"In the time of the Soviet Union there were no elections. Now the situation is absolutely different. This is the truth."Anonymous
1581564.1"We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us."Anonymous
1581563.1"Please just leave Russia alone for 20 years…"Anonymous
1581562.1In Russian FederationAnonymous
1581561.1In USSRAnonymous
1581560.1How economic lagging was dealt withAnonymous
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